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Understanding Planning Program
• increasing the public awareness efforts in creating a happy little family prosperous (Law No. 10/1992).
• Family Planning (Family Planning, Planned Parenthood): an attempt to dilute or plan number and spacing of pregnancy by using contraception.
• WHO (Expert Committee, 1970), expedient individuals / couples for: Getting obketif objective-specific, avoiding unwanted births, a birth that you want, set the interval between pregnancies and determine the number of children in the family.

Program Objectives Planning Program
• The overall goal is to form a small family in accordance with the socio-economic kekutan a family setting by child birth, in order to obtain a happy and prosperous families who can meet their needs.
• Goals include birth control, maturing age of marriage, increased resilience and family welfare.
• The conclusion of the program objectives are: Improve the health and welfare of mothers, children, families and nations; Reduce birth rate to raise the standard of living of the people and nation; Meeting will demand KR family planning services and quality, including efforts to reduce maternal mortality , infants, and children and prevention of reproductive health problems.

Planning Program, based Strategic Plan Objectives 2005-2009 include:
1. Families with children ideal
2. Healthy Families
3. Family education
4. Family welfare
5. Family berketahanan
6. Families that fulfilled the rights of reproduction
7. Population growth balanced (PTS)
Program Goals Planning Program
Family planning program targets stipulated in the RPJMN 2004-2009 include:
1. Decrease in the average population growth rate to around 1.14 percent per year.
2. The decline in the total birth rate (TFR) to about 2.2 per woman.
3. The decline in the EFA did not want any more children and want to dilute the next birth, but did not use a tool / means of contraception (unmet need) to 6 percent.
4. Increased male Planning Program to 4.5 percent.
5. The increased use of contraceptive methods are rational, effective, and efficient.
6. The increasing average age of first marriage of women to 21 years.
7. Increased participation of families in the development of the child guidance.
8. Increasing the number of families and family welfare Pre-1 is active in economically productive activities.
9. Increasing the number of public institutions in implementing the national family planning program services.
Scope Planning Program
The scope of family planning, among others: Family planning; adolescent reproductive health; resilience and empowerment of families; strengthen small family quality institutionalization; Harmony of population policies; Management of human resources personnel; Providing state leadership and governance; increase oversight and accountability of the state apparatus.
Strategy Planning Program

Family planning program strategy is divided into two things namely:
1. Basic strategy
2. Operational Strategy

Basic strategy
• reaffirmed the program in the area
• Ensuring continuity of the program

Operational Strategy
• Increased capacity of service system National Family Planning Program
• Improving the quality and priority programs
• Aligning and strengthening the commitment

• Support regulatory and policy
• Monitoring, evaluation, and accountability of service

Impact of Family Planning Program
Family planning program impact, ie reduction in maternal mortality and child; Poverty reproductive health issues; Improved family welfare; Improving health status; Improved quality family planning services-KR; Improved management systems and human resource capacity; management tasks and management functions in the administration state and the government running smoothly.

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